How Do I Start Hospice Service?
Patients can be referred to hospice by a physician, family member or loved one, or can choose to refer themselves. However, a patient’s physician will need to provide a medical referral before services begin.
Step 1: Call Islands Hospice (808) 550-2552.
We will collect basic information by phone and contact the patient's physician for a medical referral.
Step 2: Community liaison visit.
Our community liaison will visit with the patient and family to:
- Answer any questions or concerns the family may have
- Explain the role of the Islands Hospice Care Team in the comfort care setting
- Provide an overview of insurance coverage specific to the patient
- Obtain signatures on release and consent forms
Step 3: Assessment and admission.
Our admission nurse will meet with the patient and family to:
- Provide an assessment (physical and current medications)
- Review symptoms
- Arrange for medical equipment for the patient
- Formally admit the patient onto Islands Hospice Service