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Volunteer Spotlight: Ralph Kahalehau, Lani Kahalehau, & Allan Kaneshiro

Posted on December 4, 2019

Ralph Kahalehau, Lani Kahalehau, & Allan Kaneshiro
A trio of volunteers are sharing their love of music with Islands Hospice patients.

A trio of volunteers are sharing their love of music with Islands Hospice patients. Ralph Kahalehau, Lani Kahalehau, and Allan Kaneshiro recently started performing musical ministry to bring some joy to patients receiving hospice in care homes. 

Allan was inspired to start performing after he helped his own family members find peace and joy in their final days. “I was able to reach them through music,” he said. “I had a desire to share that ministry with others.”

The volunteers perform approximately twice a month at different care homes throughout Oahu. They perform songs that patients remember and stay to talk story with patients and staff after their performance.

Seeing the patients smile, laugh, sing and keep time with the music is especially rewarding. “I knew a patient that had rarely responded to singing and music in her days before she became ill,” Allan recalled. “When we started to perform, she became excited and started to clap her hands in time with the music. We knew that she felt joy in that moment. That was special.”