Volunteer Spotlight: Victoria Hallett
Posted on October 4, 2019
The simple act of companionship can make a huge difference in the lives of patients. For UH-Manoa student Victoria Hallett, volunteering as a companion is a way for her to make her mark and help families through a difficult process.
Victoria has been an Islands Hospice volunteer for two years. She provides companionship to patients at assisted living facilities and helps families with bereavement support.
“I feel that adult caregivers have such a tough job. Having some support and guaranteed company for their loved one means they can take a short break without worrying,” she said.
Volunteer companions like Victoria play an important role in fulfilling Islands Hospice’s mission. Often, patients that are alone most of the day look forward to moments when they can talk with a companion, sharing stories about their lives, recalling happy memories and reflecting on their past.
Volunteers of all ages may find they share similarities or shared interests with patients, creating a special connection. Victoria remembers a patient she visited regularly who had grown up in the same area of Moiliili. They would chat about how the town had changed and what shops were still there.
Spending a few hours every month chatting with patients gives her a sense of fulfillment and inspires her to keep volunteering. “I get the sense that I’m genuinely helping out, even in my small way,” she said.