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Islands Hospice serves our patients, our families, and our community with a total commitment to excellence in hospice care.

Jennifer L. selects Hawaii Meals on Wheels (HMoW) to receive Makana Pono gift

Posted on February 1, 2023

Jennifer L.

Organization: Hawaii Meals on Wheels
L – R: Mark I. (Employee and Community Engagement); Cherish A. (Business Services Manager); Daryl J. W. (Jen’s mother); Jen L. (RN Team Mabuhay Nani Makana Pono Awardee); Michelle C.L. (Hawaii Meals on Wheels CEO); Aaron S. (Supply Assistant); Maxallen P. (Islands Hospice Volunteer).
As our first Makana Pono awardee of 2023, Jennifer has selected Hawaii Meals on Wheels (HMoW) to receive a $5,000 contribution.
Jennifer L. is a registered nurse who has been a part of the Islands Hospice ohana for the past three-and-a-half years. She collaborates across our teams and works in the field to provide direct care to our patients in the areas of social work and spiritual care, along with caregiver education. As our first Makana Pono awardee of 2023, Jennifer has selected Hawaii Meals on Wheels (HMoW) to receive a $5,000 contribution.
Jennifer first first learned about HMoW as a little girl, when the organization provided services to members of her church, the First Chinese Church of Christ in Hawai’i. Now, Jennifer directly experiences the organization’s impact through her work with Islands Hospice, as the medical care she provides and HMoW services go hand-in-hand. Several of Jennifer’s patients have benefited from the program’s home-delivered and medically-tailored meals. “It has made a huge difference in their lives by allowing them to live at home independently and receive good nutrition,” explained Jennifer.
At any given time, 70,000 of Hawaii’s kupuna are facing food insecurity or are threatened by hunger and homebound individuals face even more obstacles in obtaining healthy and consistent meals. In addition to providing meal service to kupuna and individuals with disabilities, HMoW also checks in with its clients regularly, providing personal contact to homebound community members. Currently, 1,000 clients throughout Oahu receive meals weekly and donations like this can help expand the capacity of HMoW. For every $5 donated, HMoW can provide a meal for a homebound person. 
“Everyone at Islands Hospice cares so deeply and has an abundance of aloha for the patients we serve,” said Jennifer. “It has been an honor and a joy to work with all of the staff and volunteers at Islands Hospice. I am so grateful for each person’s commitment to providing quality patient care and support to patients’ families.”
Jennifer recently joined the Pauoa Elementary School PTA and also volunteers with her church to support various community outreach projects.